interesting links

this post is full of links to pretty things, useful things, and wonderfully indulgent things

i'm going to assume you all know about the obvious addiction sites like lolcats and fail book. this is the less common ones that rock:
notalwaysright is stories from the service industry. we've all had these customers.
found shit is interesting and funny pictures from random places
two lumps is the only web cartoon i follow. the main characters are two cats who remind me a lot of my boys
craziest gadgets contains may strange and cool new inventions
offbeat mama is brilliant and thought provoking. i follow it for my doula studies
offbeat bride is buy the same people who run offbeat mama. lots of beautiful diy projects and inspiration. not that i even have a partner but it's fun to think about.
etsy is your go-to place for all things handmade. kinda like ebay but a much nicer community was better when it was recipezaar, just because they haven't worked out all the quirks of the new domain yet. with any luck it will be back to normal awesomeness any day now
cracked is a great place to waste time. beware: frequently not safe for work
robert brault is an interesting philosopher/writer. kinda zen, kinda funny, tends to make me think
zero punctuation is a games review site done in flash videos. i'm not even a gamer and i think he's hilarious and awesome.
not martha is another site of a diy-er, lots of sewing and cooking.
my tiny plot is the blog of a uk gardener. i think she over-thinks things a lot but it's still inspiring to see someone else's tiny garden producing so much food
surf the channel and tvshack are the best places i've found to stream tv and movies. apparently tv shack was just shut down by the us government. boooo!
fukung is a bunch of random pictures. click on the pic for the next one. warning:very addictive and nsfw
here's a nature sounds page that's great for background ambiance
homegrown evolution is the blog of urban homesteaders that are role models to us all